Thursday, May 20, 2010

The great flood

I am sorry I am just now talking about the most recent devastating events in our great city. Sunday morning after a full day & night of raining, we left the house to check out our neighborhood, having no idea what were about to discover. Fortunately we live on top of a very high hill, but at the bottom of this hill, homes were covered in water. It was such a sad situation. The rain had come so fast some could not get out in time. People were literally driving boats down our street to rescue people in their homes. Although many have lost their homes,& for some their lives, alot of good things came from this flood. Every morning while driving to work after the flood had cleared the streets, I saw neighbors helping each other,volunteers everywhere, and stands set up with water & food that people had donated. The mess is starting to clear, and people are rebuilding the insides of their homes. I feel so fortunate to live in a great city where others help each other, not just for a day or two, but until the job is done.

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